About Me

Hello. I am Ting-Hsuan Chao (Joel).
I have more than three years of experience working in deep learning.
Skilled in computer vision, reinforcement learning and representation learning.
Currently work as a machine learning scientist in Appier,
developing deep learning solution for practical business problems.
I am looking for deep learning related project or job opportunity in US/Taiwan

GitHub Blog CV
Skill & Interest

  • Skill
    • Programming Language: Python, C++, JAVA, MATLAB, javascript
    • Framework: Keras, TensorFlow, Caffe, Torch7, Android, node.js
    • Other: Installation Art
  • Research
    • Scalable Object Detection, Large Scale Image Classification
    • Convolutional Neural Network Compression and Speedup, Siamese Network
    • AD Bidding by Reinforment Learning (DQN, DDPG)
    • User Purchase Intention Preditction by RNN
    • User Topic Analysis by DeepWalk
  • Interest
    • Novels, coffee, brunch, sweet snack, any kind of feast, jigsaw, movie and swimming
My Experience

  • Appier Inc.
    • Machine Leanrning Scientist (2016-now)
      Deep Learning topic module for user analysis
      Reinforcement Learning for AD bidding
      Cross Screen AI technique by Generative Adversial Network
  • Hewlett-Packard, Inc.
    • Software Engineer Intern (2012-2013)
      Wireless diagnose tool development
      Softpaq checking tool development
  • National Taiwan University
    • Research Assistant (2015-2016)
      Communications & Multimedia Lab MiRA Group
    • Teaching Assistant (2013-2014)
      Department of CSIE - Seminar
    • M.S. in Computer Science & Information Engineering (2013-2015)
      Communications & Multimedia Lab MiRA Group
      Advisor: Winston H. Hsu
    • B.S. in Electrical Engineering (2009-2013)
My Publications

  • Ting-Hsuan Chao, Yen-Liang Lin, Yin-Hsi Kuo and Winston H. Hsu "Scalable Object Detection by Filter Compression with Regularized Sparse Coding," Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2015. (Full paper) PDF
  • Yu-Hsiu Chen, Ting-Hsuan Chao, Yen-Liang Lin and Winston H. Hsu "Filter-Invariant Image Classification on Social Media Photos," ACM Multimedia, 2015. (Short paper) PDF
  • Wei-Tse Sun, Ting-Hsuan Chao, Yin-Hsi Kuo and Winston H. Hsu "Photo Filter Recommendation by Category-Aware Aesthetic Learning," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2017. (Journal paper) PDF
  • Wen-Yu Lee, Yin-Hsi Kuo, Peng-Ju Hsieh, Wen-Feng Cheng, Ting-Hsuan Chao, Hui-Lan Hsieh, Chieh-En Tsai, Hsiao-Ching Chang, Jia-Shin Lan, Winston Hsu, "Unsupervised Latent Sub-events Discovery based on Multi-content and Human Activities Analysis for Diverse Event Summarization," ACM Multimedia, 2015. (Grand Challenge) PDF
  • Chun-yen Yeh, Yu-Chuan Su, Hsin-Fu Huang, Ting-Hsuan Chao, Sebastian Agethen, Winston H. Hsu, "Low-Bitrate and Online Mobile Video Classification," ICCE, 2016. (Short paper)